Summer is In, Let’s Go Green

The April sun is quite unbearable. It’s scorching outside. After evening, things will cool down quite though. Here in Siliguri, a cool breeze starts blowing in the evening. Like other days, I will probably go out on a walk with friends tonight as well. The halogen lights on the streets look magical at that time, with the cool breeze to soak our nerves into delirium. However, things in Kolkata are not quite as magical. Guess what, I will have to go down to Cal in the middle of this heat as something came up. However, Kolkata wasn’t so hot always. My dad says – Back in the 80s, Calcutta cooled down in the evenings when the wind blowing from the Hoogli was quite evident. But then, there were not so many high rises yet and not so much pollution.

So how to beat this summer? Well, no better way than to get involved in a green project. Students can get involved in the Green Summers project, arranged by Green 1.0 in collaboration with

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